Kristine Baker – The Gift of My Imperfections

I’ve talked about many of the great discoveries I’ve found over the past 22 years that I have lived in Santa Fe. I thought I’d practice the art of being vulnerable that Brene Brown talks about in her book, “The Gift of Imperfection” and share my biggest crash to rock bottom back in about 1998. It was the beginning of my journey to set myself free from who I thought I was supposed to be and beginning to embrace who I really am. As I’ve said before, life is not a straight line. It’s an ever upward spiral of learning new level after new level of letting go of the programing that makes up the ego control and finding our Spirit’s natural flow.
Kristine has lived in Santa Fe since 2001 and is enjoying a re-wirement at this time as she works on her first book and creating a YouTube channel of her talks and videos (including excerpts from her Celebration talks) to share her love and insights with the world.