Saul Shaye – The Magical and Mystical World of Dreams

“I started recording my dreams in June 1975. Since then, I have recorded over 18,000 of my own dreams. These have given me inspiration, insights, and the gift of healing.”
Saul shares some of his more meaningful dreams with us. His book “The Bigger Little Book of Miracles” is free as an ebook at under saul shaye.
Saul has been doing spiritual healing since 1980. He has lectured in eight different countries, and for over 300 different New Thought churches in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. For the last eighteen years he has worked with the National Football League as a spiritual healer and presently is the healing and performance consultant with the Kansas City Chiefs.
More info: Interviews: YouTube: The New Mexico Naturopathic Medicine, shows #118 & #119.